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Bitcoin Poems

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Just click on the links below to see each poem on a background. And check out The Bitcoin Effect to read my free book! And see Bitcoin Solutions to read about specific problems for which Bitcoin is the solution.

Bitcoin Poem 001

Money is Power

We know that money is power...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 001 - Money is Power

Bitcoin Poem 002

Five Attributes of Money

All sizes of money, the...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 002 - Five Attributes of Money

Bitcoin Poem 003

Ledger in the Sky

While I'm living, I want...

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Bitcoin Poem 003 - Ledger in the Sky

Watch the Ledger in the Sky Music Video Here

Or click the video below

Bitcoin Poem 004

Walk to the Other Side

We can walk to the other side...

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Bitcoin Poem 004 - Walk to the Other Sidey

Bitcoin Poem 005

Rules Without Rulers

Rules without rulers, here today...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 005 - Rules Without Rulers

Bitcoin Poem 006

The Bitcoin Standard

A money system that's built to last...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 006 - The Bitcoin Standard

Bitcoin Poem 007

Let's Change the World

Let's all change the world for good...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 007 - Let's Change the World

Bitcoin Poem 008

Fiat - By Decree

Fiat in Latin means let it be done...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 008 - Fiat - By Decree

Bitcoin Poem 009

In Case It Catches On

It might make sense to get some...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 009 - In Case It Catches On

Bitcoin Poem 010

Protect and Defend

Everyone needs safe property...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 010 - Protect and Defend

Bitcoin Poem 011

Play by the Rules

Play by the rules, we learn as youth...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 011 - Play by the Rules

Bitcoin Poem 012

Bitcoin vs CBDC

Do we choose Bitcoin, or a CBDC?...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 012 - Bitcoin vs CBDC

Bitcoin Poem 013

The Bitcoin Revolution

Maybe you joined for the money...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 013 - The Bitcoin Revolution

Bitcoin Poem 014

Bitcoin - No Single Point

No single point of failure...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 014 - Bitcoin - No Single Point

Bitcoin Poem 015

Bitcoin: The RIPCORD Blockchain

Bitcoin is Revolutionary...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 015 - Bitcoin: The RIPCORD Blockchain

Bitcoin Poem 016

Keeps On Growing

Wallets, users, adopters, memes...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 016 - Keeps On Growing

Bitcoin Poem 017

Tick Tock, Next Block

Tick tock, next block, onward beating...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 017 - Tick Tock, Nex Block

Bitcoin Poem 018

Bitcoin's the Way

One way to get wealth is by making...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 018 - Bitcoin's the Way

Bitcoin Poem 019

A Pristine Asset

Bitcoin - pristine in every way...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 019 - A Pristine Asset

Bitcoin Poem 020

Bitcoin: The Global Reserve

Bitcoin is a global reserve...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 020 - Bitcoin: The Global Reserve

Bitcoin Poem 021

Bitcoin: Sound Money

From the soldier in Ancient Rome...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 021 - Bitcoin: Sound Money

Bitcoin Poem 022

What It's Not

Often when you're looking...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 022 - What It's Not

Bitcoin Poem 023


Nascent and emerging...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 023 - Beginning

Bitcoin Poem 024

Buy Bitcoin, Then Wait

While bitcoin users daily grow...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 024 - Buy Bitcoin, Then Wait

Bitcoin Poem 025


Beauty's in the eye...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 025 - Value

Bitcoin Poem 026

All of the Above

A short quiz for you...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 026 - All of the Above

Bitcoin Poem 027

Bitcoin is Restraint

Through centuries of history...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 027 - Bitcoin is Restraint

Bitcoin Poem 028

Proof of Work

The security of a nation...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 028 - Proof of Work

Bitcoin Poem 029

Freedom's Door

Why do you fancy global elite...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 029 - Freedom's Door

Bitcoin Poem 030

Simple Questions

When people trash talk Bitcoin...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 030 - Simple Questions

Bitcoin Poem 031

Bitcoin is Abundance

Money allowed to ever expand...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 031 - Bitcoin is Abundance

Bitcoin Poem 032

Bitcoin Changes Me

Bitcoin increases my clarity...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 032 - Bitcoin Changes Me

Bitcoin Poem 033

Build the New

When you see a better way...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 033 - Build the New

Bitcoin Poem 034


Timechain - Bitcoin's implications...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 034 - Timechain

Bitcoin Poem 035

The Race

We're in a race to avoid a war...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 035 - The Race

Bitcoin Poem 036

Debasement (Problems/Solutions 1)

The problem with fiat money...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 036 - Debasement - (Problems/Solutions 1)

Bitcoin Poem 037

Availability (Problems/Solutions 2)

Fiat money is not available to everyone...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 037 - Availability - (Problems/Solutions 2)

Bitcoin Poem 038

Censorship (Problems/Solutions 3)

A problem with fiat centralized money...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 038 - Censorship - (Problems/Solutions 3)

Bitcoin Poem 039

Trust (Problems/Solutions 4)

Fiat money relies on intermediaries...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 039 - Trust (Problems/Solutions 4)

Bitcoin Poem 040

Privacy (Problems/Solutions 5)

Current money systems usually collect...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 040 - Privacy (Problems/Solutions 5)

Bitcoin Poem 041

Finality (Problems/Solutions 6)

Physical cash transactions are final...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 034 - Finality (Problems/Solutions 6)

Bitcoin Poem 042

Fees (Problems/Solutions 7)

Traditional financial systems often...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 042 - Fees (Problems/Solutions 7)

Bitcoin Poem 043

Distortion (Problems/Solutions 8)

Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) claims...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 043 - Distortion (Problems/Solutions 8)

Bitcoin Poem 044

Builders vs Looters

Refrain from playing the looter...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 044 - Builders vs Looters

Bitcoin Poem 045

Sound Money (Problems/Solutions 9)

Fiat money is unsound money because...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 045 - Sound Money (Problems/Solutions 9)

Bitcoin Poem 046

Wealth Gap (Problems/Solutions 10)

When fiat money is printed freely...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 046 - Wealth Gap (Problems/Solutions 10)

Bitcoin Poem 047

War (Problems/Solutions 11)

The United States sustains their forever...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 047 - War

Bitcoin Poem 048

Stability (Problems/Solutions 12)

The fractional reserve banking system...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 048 - Stability

Bitcoin Poem 049

Sly Roundabout Way

We found our best sly roundabout way...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 049 - Stability

Bitcoin Poem 050

Bitcoin Keeps on Thriving

Bitcoin's growing every day...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 050 - Bitcoin Keeps on Thriving

Bitcoin Poem 051

Seigniorage (Problems/Solutions 13)

Seigniorage refers to the profits...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 051 - Seigniorage

Bitcoin Poem 052

Bitcoin Every Day

Every Single Passing Day...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 052 - Bitcoin Every Day

Bitcoin Poem 053

Orange Vs Green

Battle not for red and blue...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 053 - Orange Vs Green

Bitcoin Poem 054

Out of Thin Air

We are the US government...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 054 - Out of Thin Air

Bitcoin Poem 055

True Things Prevail

Honest people say what is true...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 055 - True Things Prevail

Bitcoin Poem 056

Bitcoin is Free Will

When powers try to steal our wealth...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 056 - True Things Prevail

Bitcoin Poem 057

Once in a Bloodline Chance

Join the global revolution...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 057 - Once in a Bloodline Chance

Bitcoin Poem 058

Surety (Problems/Solutions 14)

In the current financial system...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 058 - Surety

Bitcoin Poem 059

The Bitcoin Team

When crypto fans approach us...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 059 - Surety

Bitcoin Poem 060

Bitcoin Changes the Game

Tyranny of the Status Quo...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 060 - Bitcoin Changes the Game

Bitcoin Poem 061

Running Twice as Fast

Do you feel you're running twice as fast...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 061 - Running Twice as Fast

Bitcoin Poem 062

Equitable, Fast, and Fair

Atlas shrugged, and the world fell...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 062 - Equitable, Fast, and Fair

Bitcoin Poem 063

An Increasingly Costly Mistake

For your future's sake, do you know...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 063 - An Increasingly Costly Mistake

Bitcoin Poem 064

Portability (Problems/Solutions 15)

Gold is not easily portable due...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 064 - Portability (Problems/Solutions 15)

Bitcoin Poem 065

Dark Forces

Dark forces stealing time, through inflation's...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 065 - Dark Forces

Bitcoin Poem 066

Bitcoin Doesn't Care

Bitcoin doesn't really care, the color of your...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 066 - Bitcoin Doesn't Care

Bitcoin Poem 067

When Money Dies

The anguish flows when money dies...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 067 - When Money Dies

Bitcoin Poem 068

You Can't Print Prosperity

You can't print prosperity, since it only...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 068 - You Can't Print Prosperity

Bitcoin Poem 069

The Future I Want to See

Money that stores our working hours...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 069 - The Future I Want to See

Bitcoin Poem 070

In My Day

If there must be trouble now...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 070 - In My Day

Bitcoin Poem 071

Fallibility (Problems/Solutions 16)

If there must be trouble now...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 071 - Fallibility

Bitcoin Poem 072

Full of Breaches

The history of fiat is chock full of breaches...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 072 - Full of Breaches

Bitcoin Poem 073

Your Voice Matters

Your voice matters, take a stand...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 073 - Your Voice Matters

Bitcoin Poem 074

Bloom and Grow Forever

Your voice matters, take a stand...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 074 - Bloom and Grow Forever

Bitcoin Poem 075

Bitcoin is Liberating

Power of the money printer, quite...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 075 - Bitcoin is Liberating

Bitcoin Poem 076


Power of the money printer, quite...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 076 - Antithetical

Bitcoin Poem 077

Bitcoin's Not A Hedge

Bitcoin's not a hedge, it's a permanent...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 077 - Bitcoin's Not A Hedge

Bitcoin Poem 078

Freedom to Transact

The core of basic freedoms is the freedom to...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 078 - Freedom to Transact

Bitcoin Poem 079

Home Affordability (Problems/Solutions 17)

When people can't save value in their money...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 079 - Home Affordability (Problems/Solutions 17)

Bitcoin Poem 080

The Bitcoin Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity to stack all the Bitcoin...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 080 - The Bitcoin Serenity Prayer

Bitcoin Poem 081

Bitcoin: It All Adds Up

In the Bitcoin mathematics, the equations work...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 081 - Bitcoin: It All Adds Up

Bitcoin Poem 082

The Price That You Deserve

Did you wait & procrastinate, or did you act...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 082 - The Price That You Deserve

Bitcoin Poem 083

Savings (Problems/Solutions 18)

When fiat money is regularly debased...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 083 - Savings (Problems/Solutions 18)

Bitcoin Poem 084

Neutrality (Problems/Solutions 19)

When fiat money is regularly debased...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 084 - Neutrality (Problems/Solutions 19)

Bitcoin Poem 085

Big Government (Problems/Solutions 20)

Fiat money, printed freely and wildly...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 085 - Big Government (Problems/Solutions 20)

Bitcoin Poem 086

Stake Your Claim

Self custody your Bitcoin now...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 086 - Stake Your Claim

Bitcoin Poem 087

Freedom NEVER Dies

Freedom may sleep, but it will awaken...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 087 - Freedom NEVER Dies

Bitcoin Poem 088

Peer to Peer (Problems/Solutions 21)

One problem in traditional finance...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 088 - Peer to Peer (Problems/Solutions 21)

Bitcoin Poem 089

Bitcoin for Humanity

Move money safely across country borders...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 089 - Bitcoin for Humanity

Bitcoin Poem 090

Vision (Problems/Solutions 22)

Fiat money loses value over time, people know...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 090 - Vision (Problems/Solutions 22)

Bitcoin Poem 091

The Bitcoin Halving

New coins come to those who add...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 091 - The Bitcoin Halving

Bitcoin Poem 092

Free From the Whims

Free from the whims, of politics, and the...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 092 - Free From the Whims

Bitcoin Poem 093

Consumption (Problems/Solutions 23)

With fiat money losing value consistently...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 093 - Consumption (Problems/Solutions 23)

Bitcoin Poem 094

Who Controls the Ledger?

Who controls the ledger? And can change...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 094 - Who Controls the Ledger?

Bitcoin Poem 095

Perfect Scarcity (Problems/Solutions 24)

Hundreds of items have been used for money...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 095 - Perfect Scarcity (Problems/Solutions 24)

Bitcoin Poem 096

Don't Delay

Don't Delay, just start today, This glad message...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 096 - Don't Delay

Bitcoin Poem 097

Review the Code

Review the code, it's plain to see...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 097 - Review the Code

Bitcoin Poem 098

Bitcoiners Stand

Come, Bitcoiners join from every land...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 098 - Bitcoiners Stand

Bitcoin Poem 099

Wasted Energy (Problems/Solutions 25)

Power grids frequently produce excess...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 099 - Wasted Energy

Bitcoin Poem 100

Incremental Actions

Incremental actions bring monumental changes...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 100 - Incremental Actions

Bitcoin Poem 101

Why Do I Bitcoin?

Why do I Bitcoin? Taint no mystery...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 101 - Why Do I Bitcoin?

Bitcoin Poem 102

The Risks of Fiat

What is the Cantillon Effect?

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 102 - The Risks of Fiat

Bitcoin Poem 103

User Centric Money

Choose a user centric money

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 103 - User Centric Money

Bitcoin Poem 104

Bitcoin is My Lifeboat

Bitcoin is my lifeboat, in the midst of raging...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 104 - Bitcoin is My Lifeboat

Bitcoin Poem 105

Join the Peaceful Revolution

Join the peaceful revolution, Bitcoin shows the...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 105 - Join the Peaceful Revolution

Bitcoin Poem 106

Help the Bitcoin Teams

Bitcoin is open, for all, and free, a better money...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 106 - Help the Bitcoin Teams

Bitcoin Poem 107

My Time and My Life

Money represents my time and my life...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 107 - My Time and My Life

Bitcoin Poem 108

Money Without Value (Problems/Solutions 26)

With the fiat system of money printing...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 108 - Money Without Value

Bitcoin Poem 109

Counterparty Risk (Problems/Solutions 27)

Most assets have counterparty risk...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 109 - Counterparty Risk

Bitcoin Poem 110

Get Bitcoin, and Opt Out

When you're weary of inflation, and you...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 110 - Get Bitcoin, and Opt Out

Bitcoin Poem 111

Momentum of the Light

The insanity of the world, tries vainly to...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 111 - Momentum of the Light

Bitcoin Poem 112

Dilution Risk (Problems/Solutions 28)

Dilution risk exists for nearly every...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 112 - Dilution Risk

Bitcoin Poem 113

Pure Money (Problems/Solutions 29)

Through history many things have been used...

(Click here or the pic below to expand)

Bitcoin Poem 113 - Pure Money

Image Quotes for Bitcoin

Bonus - Link to the Bitcoin Whitepaper

Bitcoin Quote from - by Christopher Westra

Bitcoin Quote from - by Christopher Westra - Walk to the Other System Now - Feel the Freedom it Allows

Bitcoin Quote from - by Christopher Westra - Cross World Trust - Forming Firm Foundations

Bitcoin Quote from - by Christopher Westra = Global Money with Certain Supply, which rules can't change or modify

Bitcoin Quote from - by Christopher Westra - Money is Power

Bitcoin Quote from - by Christopher Westra - Portable Money

Bitcoin Quote from - by Christopher Westra - Rules without Rulers

Bitcoin Quote from - by Christopher Westra - Operating System

Bitcoin Quote from - by Christopher Westra - Dawning

Bitcoin Quote from - by Christopher Westra - Currency Scarce

Bitcoin Quote from - by Christopher Westra - Ever Expand

Bitcoin Quote from - by Christopher Westra - Global Currency

Bitcoin Quote from - by Christopher Westra - Get Some

Bitcoin Quote from - by Christopher Westra - Solution Bitcoin

Bitcoin Quote 015 from - by Christopher Westra - Join First

Bitcoin Quote 016 from - by Christopher Westra - Money Printing

Bitcoin Quote 017 from - by Christopher Westra - Time and Space

Bitcoin Quote 018 from - by Christopher Westra - Greatest Sensation

Bitcoin Quote 019 from - by Christopher Westra - Informed Person

Bitcoin Quote 020 from - by Christopher Westra - Revolutionize

Bitcoin Quote 021 from - by Christopher Westra - cryptographic achievement

Bitcoin Quote 022 from - by Christopher Westra - invested in Bitcoin

Bitcoin Quote 023 from - by Christopher Westra - Better Place

Bitcoin Quote 024 from - by Christopher Westra - System Change

Bitcoin Quote 025 from - by Christopher Westra - Want to Keep

Bitcoin Quote 026 from - by Christopher Westra - Perfectly Engineered

Bitcoin Quote 027 from - by Christopher Westra - Fiat is Poison

Bitcoin Quote 028 from - by Christopher Westra - Fiat is Poison

Bitcoin Quote 029 from - by Christopher Westra - Credible Way

Bitcoin Quote 030 from - by Christopher Westra - Fractional Reserve - Lyn Alden quote

Bitcoin Quote 031 from - by Christopher Westra - Good Money - Hayek quote

Bitcoin Quote 032 from - by Christopher Westra - Good Money - Lyn Alden quote

Bitcoin Quote 033 from - by Christopher Westra - Natural Reaction - Javier Milei quote

Bitcoin Quote 034 from - by Christopher Westra - Satoshi Freed - Nico Moran quote

Bitcoin Quote 035 from - by Christopher Westra - Sound Money - Michael Saylor quote

Bitcoin Quote 036 from - by Christopher Westra - Troubling Times - Christopher Westra quote

Bitcoin Quote 037 from - by Christopher Westra - Worthwhile Pursuit - Christopher Westra quote

Bitcoin Quote 038 from - by Christopher Westra - Critical Lifeboat - Christopher Westra quote

Bitcoin Quote 039 from - by Christopher Westra - Honest Money - Christopher Westra quote

Bitcoin Quote 040 from - by Christopher Westra - Magic of Bitcoin - Christopher Westra quote

Bitcoin Quote 041 from - by Christopher Westra - Monetary Economics - Christopher Westra quote

Bitcoin Quote 042 from - by Christopher Westra - Energy Usage - Christopher Westra quote

Bitcoin Quote 043 from - by Christopher Westra - To Prevent Bitcoin - Christopher Westra quote

Bitcoin Quote 044 from - by Christopher Westra - Store Value - Christopher Westra quote

Bitcoin Quote 045 from - by Christopher Westra - Unclosable - Christopher Westra quote

Bitcoin Quote 046 from - by Christopher Westra - Win for Humanity - Christopher Westra quote

Bitcoin Quote 047 from - by Christopher Westra - Uncorrupted - Christopher Westra quote

Bitcoin Poems is Sponsored by Prosperity Poems

Bitcoin Poem Backgrounds by Thea Westra

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